Customer Testimonials

Customer Stories

Hear what our customers are saying about us.

Campion Education is focused on making it easier for schools and parents to get students ready for back-to-school, with all your teacher and student resources, including digital, print & stationery, from one reliable supplier. 

But don’t just take our word for it, read some recent case studies and reviews from schools and parents…

School Case Studies

School Testimonials

Independent reviews from parents…

Trust in us

Campion Education is an Australian family-owned business and the largest supplier of education resources to secondary schools in Australia.

We continuously seek to provide innovative educational resources, solutions and services which enable schools to focus on providing the best learning outcomes for their students.

Drawing on 23 years of experience, Campion Education supplies more than 3,000 schools and 600,000 students with printed and digital resources from Australia’s widest range of publishers, as well as all forms of stationery and art supplies.

Our vision is to remain a trusted partner, who schools and teachers can rely on for innovative educational resources and solutions.